
Madonna fined for fake parking signs

Март 25, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Madonna fined for fake parking signs


Madonna showed who really runs the streets of New York — as the millionaire pop icon threw a diva fit Thursday over a summons she got from the city for writing “No Parking” in concrete outside her Manhattan mansion.

“Yes Bishes I am Madonna and that is my driveway and if people park in front of it i cant drive in my driveway!” the aging singer ranted online Thursday.

The Material Girl’s cyber-rant came in response to neighbors complaining that she altered the sidewalks with her raised-concrete “No Parking” message and yellow paint on the curb cut at her East 81st Street town house.

The Department of Transportation issued a violation notice Wednesday, ordering her to restore the concrete within 30 days or face a $250 fine — prompting the kind of epic shade that only the Queen of Pop can throw.

“So sorry the city doesn’t like the color yellow!” she wrote on Instagram. “We will paint a nice dull grey to keep our neighbors happy! Sorry! Im saying 3 extra Hail Mary’s this Easter for this transgression!”

fox 5 madonna parking image

Neighbors also complained about all the “No Parking” signs Madonna put up, but sources said she is allowed to post nonpermanent signs on her own property asking drivers not to block the driveway to her $40 million home.

While her neighbors fume, ­Madonna’s social-media army is standing behind their heroine.

“You can do whatever the F you want,” said Instagram fan lizimagana1. “You are MADONNA :)”