On occasion, cars in television and film become full-fledged, inextricable characters in the narrative, commanding allure to match – even outshine – their human counterparts. Some, however, burn brighter than others, becoming cultural touchstones in their own right. BBC Autos visited Quora.com, the online question...
Director Michael Bay tweeted out a pic of the next Bumblebee Camaro for the upcoming 2017 Transformers: The Last Knight movie. In the next Transformers movie, which is currently in production with a 2017 release date, Bumblebee will play a leading roll alongside Anthony Hopkins, Mark Wahlberg, Isabela Moner and Jerrod...
A GROUP of Romanian migrants who reportedly slept rough inside abandoned vehicles in London for eight years have been evicted. Officers cleared the camp out from Peckham, south-east London, on Tuesday and removed 28 illegal motors. No arrests were made but police said 14 migrants had agreed to return to Romania. The migrants...
FOR the past three years the so-called “Bowel Movement Bandit” has been terrorising a US town. The man — who is alleged to have defecated on nearly 20 cars in the one neighbourhood over the past three years — is now being sought by police in Ohio after a resident caught him red handed. NBC News reports...
There's no shortage of worthy new cars for buyers' consideration, but figuring out the worst of the lot is another matter. Consumer Reportstackled the challenge, looking for the lowest-rated car in 10 vehicle categories. In this case, the low score wasn't just about the car's projected propensity to break down....