RESEARCHERS believe aloe vera should be investigated as an antidiabetic compound after studies revealed it had positive effects in people with diabetes. On the basis that fewer than half of patients with type 2 diabetes have their disease well controlled, scientists believe there is demand for a new, affordable, effective...
A GASTRIC bypass can reverse diabetes by boosting good gut bacteria and metabolism and improving sensitivity to insulin. Previous research has shown bariatric surgery can lead to remission in Type 2 diabetes — which affects nine in ten British diabetics. The new study found bypass surgery improves glucose tolerance and...
One Starbucks really got the name wrong on one customer’s order label last Friday. A man who ordered a Grande White Chocolate Mocha at a St. Augustine, Florida Starbucks reported receiving the drink with a printed label that read, "DIABETES HERE I COME." The customer, who prefers to remain anonymous,...
DIABETES can be cured by a low-calorie diet, tests reveal. Losing weight reverses the condition even after 10 years, a breakthrough study by British scientists revealed. In a two-year trial, almost half those taking part who dramatically slashed their calorie intake then became free of diabetes. The findings bring hope to Type...