I don’t know about you but it kinda makes me wonder if anyone has ever watched the movie Beaches at the beach?...
Whatcha lookin' at? Mom wanted to see how far along my wife was in her pregnancy…so we sent her this. Poor Placement He is his own chair Why so serious...
Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort of an individual caused by a collision in his mind the conflicting views and ideas. It may appear for different reasons: because of the logical inconsistencies due to cultural practices, etc. And yet it appears when you walk through our country and talked with the Russian...
Chest rather strange and ambiguous thing, a woman with small breasts want it to have been more, and women with bolshoy gpydyu would exchange their bulky roundness to something smaller. Today we would like to talk to you about the problems girls bolshoy gpydyu arising from them during the summer....
Funniest Russian dating sites photos ever!!! This gallery will make you laugh so hard you will choke. Hard to choose the sexiest of them all. Truly bizarre! These profile picture fails will make you give up on dating forever or be extremely happy that you have already tied the...
Some like more, someone less, but the fact that at such a scale view itself rushes to them, it is difficult to argue. So, take a look at the photos of girls and try at least once to look them in the...
These GIFs are a lot more fun. You’re about to see people failing and falling in very creative ways. You’d think that some of these people were out to get royalties on funny falling GIFs....
Men and women are the same? Actually we are all human but there are a few differences between. In the article below you could see some differences between men and women explinet with really humorous pictures. When i sew all this i think how i did not think of that. Yes they are really noticeable. Just see the photos and you can...
It was posted a video for the Russians, which sincerely believe that all troubles of Russia is the handiwork of America. In the video, on behalf of the "National Movement cleansing" voiced appeals not be conducted in the State Department's provocations. It was urged on behalf of the "National...