Певица находится в Крыму, где наслаждается отдыхом, вкусными завтраками и заплывами в Черном море на длинные дистанции. Ранним утром Алена Свиридова сделала селфи в купальнике,...
ADELE was left a little red-faced after accidentally snogging a male fan during her concert in Vancouver earlier this week. The Hello hitmaker invited an excitable admirer on stage to sing a small duet and take a selfie, but was left blushing when the 21-year-old, who flew all the way from Nigeria to see her, planted a smooch...
A LEADING psychologist has called on parents to limit the length of time they allow their children to play Pokemon Go on mobile phones. John Oates, senior lecturer in developmental psychology at the Open University, believes the craze will stop young people developing social skills. He believes no one should play the game...
Неувядаемая Маша Распутина продемонстрировала публике своих дочерей, старшую Лидию и младшую Марию. Оценив наследниц артистки, публика не смогла скрыть разочарования. На днях...
18 апреля в Берлине состоялась церемония вручения спортивной премии Laureus 2016. Гостем мероприятия стал олимпийский чемпион по фигурному катанию Евгений Плющенко. Спортсмен,...
A TV ADVERT from a sex toy firm which features romping rabbits, spanking and sexually suggestive fruit will hit TV screens tonight just days after the firm was endorsed by the Queen. The tongue-in-cheek ad for Lovehoney, which received the Queen's Award for Enterprise in April for boosting British exports, does not feature...
Nintendo's Pokemon Go has finally launched in Japan, the birthplace of the little virtual monsters. Amid a flurry of social media excitement, Niantic Labs, the software company behind the game, announced it was "finally broadcasting" in Japan. First released in the US, Australia and New Zealand on 6 July and now...
Анастасия Стоцкая, наконец, перестала скрывать лицо своего мужа — бизнесмена Сергея. Певица показала своим поклонникам видеозапись, на которой оказался запечатлен не только...
WOMEN smokers are at greater risk of suffering a potentially fatal stroke often triggered by physical exertion including sex, new research suggests. The more a woman smokes the greater their risk of a subarachnoid haemorrhage a form of bleeding on the brain which accounts for one in every 20 strokes in the UK. There are usually...
BUSES MAKE 32 BILLION JOURNEYS every year in Europe alone. That figure is bound to go up as global populations rise and more people move to urban centres. That’s why Mercedes-Benz — a luxury carmaker you’re unlikely to link with public transport — has debuted a flashy, futuristic new bus that...
Инга наслаждается отдыхом на Бали. Старшая дочь певца Валерия Меладзе 24-летняя Инга, которая не спешит замуж и уже давно проживает вдали от родителей, отправилась в экзотическое...
Syrian refugees to be housed in Archbishop of Canterbury's LUXURY Lambeth palace The refugee family are currently living in a cottage at Archbishop Welby's official London residence after the Church agreed to put them up and fund their new life in Britain. The Archbishop is going to be directly involved in helping the...