
16-year-old grandson of Russian oligarch showed what girls can do for an easy money (18 +)

22 июня, 2015     Автор: admin
16-year-old grandson of Russian oligarch showed what girls can do for an easy money (18 +)


The young man from a wealthy family calls all this "social experiment".

The videos didn’t go unnoticed. TV channels and newspapers in Russia devoted time and space to golden boy’s life, ideas and plans for the future. 

The major topic was the oligarch grandson’s belief in the power of his granddad’s money and the disdain and disrespect demonstrated by a 16-year-old for his less fortunate countrymen. Public outrage was mostly focused on the issue of a teenager having so much of his oligarch grandfather’s money to spend on these strange fads, rather than the possible criminal character of his public actions.


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