News of war

Obama is Not in Mourning for Our Dead Marines and Sailor

16 июля, 2015     Автор: admin
Obama is Not in Mourning for Our Dead Marines and Sailor

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Barack Hussein Obama does not seem to be in mourning for the four Marines and one Sailor killed in Chattanooga by the Islamic Terrorist.

Many flags across our nation are flying at half-staff, but not by order of President Obama.  He did not order flags at the White House and other federal buildings to be flown at half-staff.  Obama did make the effort to light the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate the recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

There were orders by the President for flags to be flown at half-staff following the shootings at Fort Hood, the Aurora Century Theater, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.  Why the difference?   Is it because the Islamic Terrorist in Chattanooga was inspired by ISIS and the murders he committed were actually an act of war, which Obama does not wish to acknowledge?

It seems that Obama and his Administration do not intend to further protect our military men and women by directing them to be armed.  Military recruiters have apparently been directed to wear civilian clothing instead of military uniforms, so as not to anger and provoke Islamic Terrorists.

Adding to the insult of our military men and women, United States Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno cautioned about arming military men and women.  General Odierno stated there could be “accidental weapon” discharges, and someone could be hurt.  How is it that our military men and women cannot be trusted with weapons but off duty police are encouraged to carry their weapons.

President Obama’s comments following the Islamic Terrorist attack in Chattanooga were brief and very casual.  Obama has not made a major speech, declared war on Islamic Terrorists, or encouraged the American people to arm themselves.

Obama’s approach to Islamic Terrorism is very confusing and of great concern.  Obama appears to be trying very hard to ignore Islamic Terrorism.


Submitted by Donald R. May


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