
Vigilantes in India tie suspected molester to tree, beat him with broom (VIDEO)

23 июля, 2015     Автор: admin
Vigilantes in India tie suspected molester to tree, beat him with broom (VIDEO)
An angry mob of vigilantes has tied a man, accused of molesting a woman, to a tree and beaten him, video footage from eastern India shows. reports citing RT

Ruptly reports the incident took place Sunday in Malda district of West Bengal. The neighborhood had been searching for a suspect after the alleged victim, a resident, sounded the alarm.

The video shows other residents looking on as the man sustains several hits with a broomstick from a woman, while another man also delivers a number of blows.A police officer later untied the man and took him away; the man was reportedly arrested.

Women in India have traditionally faced rampant public sexual harassment by men. The practice, known as ‘Eve-Teasing’, is derived from Eve, the first ‘temptress’, and places the responsibility on the women being harassed. However, since the 2012 gang rape that left a young woman dead, Indian society — and particularly female — vigilantism has been on the rise.

Vigilantism is also not unknown in Malda. According to NDTV, just on Sunday a doctor was severely beaten after he referred a woman in labor to another hospital and her baby died on the way there immediately after birth.


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