
Six-day music festival in Russian-occupied Crimea boycotted by visitors (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

24 июля, 2015     Автор: admin
Six-day music festival in Russian-occupied Crimea boycotted by visitors (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

Anger over event disorganization and patriotic politicization leads to bands refusing to perform

The debut festival ‘Crimea Fest dot RU' had a disastrous launch on July 20 after headliner acts boycotted the event, prompting many fans to return their tickets. The festival organizers' general lack of organization and anger over the patriotic politicization of the event have been blamed for the dismal attendance numbers, TJournal reports.

The series of popular Russian artists had been expected to play, with the world-famous Israeli band Infected Mushroom had to become the headliners of the first day of the festival.

At the beginning of the first day, the banner with the slogan ‘Crimea is Ours' (Krymnash) appeared near the entrance of the festival. Previously, organizers announced that the festival would not have any political coloring. On the first day of the festival, the stage was not ready yet and the flight of headliner act, Infected Mushroom, was delayed by more than 6 hours. As the result, the Israeli band cancelled their gig.

The number of Russian bands also cancelled their shows. "Crimea Fest" started on 21 July, the day after the beginning was scheduled, which attracted a handful of people.

Previously, the biggest Russian festival Kubana was forced to move away from Russia after the complaints from Russian Orthodox Church.

Так выглядела концертная площадка в первый день фестиваля

Эта реклама «Крым феста» заставила некоторых музыкантов отказаться от выступлений на нем



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