
Amazing Perseid comet shower lights up night skies (PHOTOS)

13 августа, 2015     Автор: admin
Amazing Perseid comet shower lights up night skies (PHOTOS)


This year’s dazzling light show in space, courtesy of the Perseid meteor shower, has lit up the skies. Many a barbecue was had and tents set up under the night sky to enjoy the display.

This time around, the Swift-Tuttle comet was really allowed to shine, thanks to the weather. The new moon gave us perfect viewing conditions, owing to the extra dark skies. Internet users from near and far posted spectacular photos of the event that comes but once a year, every August.

A lot more stars than usual were visible.

This included fireballs, which are larger and brighter, with longer traces, originating from bigger particles of material.

Some great composite shots were had in the extra bright sky.

Stargazers in the United States got an especially good show from countryside locations, away from the glare of city lights.

I tried to take pictures of the persied meteors but since SoCal has so much light pollution that wasn't going to happen, So I took long exposures of houses as well

The best time to head for open spaces with clear skies was after midnight on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights, experts said.

The meteor shower, named for the constellation Perseus, was first observed by Chinese astronomers in 36 AD, according to ancient records.


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