
24 horror places in Ukraine which freezes your blood in the veins (photo)

19 августа, 2015     Автор: admin
24 horror places in Ukraine which freezes your blood in the veins (photo)

Are you afraid of darkness? Ukraine — a country not only incredible landscapes, but a country with a long history. This means that in our country during many thousand years of history accumulated creepy places …

 24 places in Ukraine that are associated with mysticism and horror.


Pidhirtsi Castle

Where: Pidhirtsi village Brody district, Lviv region

The castle has a terrible secret. All who slept here the last years from XVIII century to today saw a ghost in the night! 

Zolochiv castle

Where: city Zolochiv in Lviv region




Where: town Olesko, Busk district, Lviv region

In the walls of the castle from time to time there is a spirit monk.


Palanok Castle

Where: Mukachevo Transcarpathian region


Mount Bona

Where: city Ternopil region Kremenets

On Mount Bona in Volyn town still stand the ruins of the former princely castle. The name of the mountain is related to an Italian queen Beautiful Sforza. Her attribute was the excessive cruelty and demonic deeds.



Village Zaizd

Where: Village Check-in Prylutsk region Chernigov region

The village at the entrance to Priluki also associated with so-called geopathogenic zones.

There are often broken cars.  Watches  not show the correct time. Strange things happening with people they feel weakness and dizziness.



Somynske lake

Where: Village Somyn Volyn region

Lake in the forest 2 km from the village. People are afraid to swim there.

People said about a monster in the lake. At last  monster with snake head and torso crocodile seen 30 years ago.

Glade Hromovysche

Where: Village Kupysche in Korosten district, Zhytomyr region

 A small clearing in the woods  attracts lightning during a thunderstorm.


Bald Mountain

Where: Kyiv

Bald Mountain — a place where going to the evil. 


Alimov boulder

Where: Kaczynski Canyon, Crimea

Here were found ritual rock paintings.


Valley of Ghosts

Where: near Alushta, picturesque mountain slope array Demerdzhi

Valley of ghosts consists of many natural sculptures that remind people, animals and chimeras.

Werewolf Adolf Hitler bunker

Hitler Bunker is situated in 8 kilometers from Vinnitsa. It is unique global object with mysterious history. It should be noted that Adolf Hitler rarely personally visited his strategic targets. According to the researchers he was at Werewolf bunker at least three times.

The bunker is located in the village Strygavka. Of course, there were ground and underground structures when the object is actively functioning, but in March 1944 on the eve of the German retreat Werewolf was blasted. Nowadays Hitler bunker functions as a museum. The researchers were able to establish the exact size of its structural elements and their function. A swimming pool saved the best to these days. The Fuhrer bathed there with Eva Braun. Other objects destroyed almost completely.

Of course we cannot compare modern look of Werewolf bunker with its authentic shape. Today there are only remnants of concrete structures, schematic outline of buildings and wooded areas. At the same time there are bunches of mystery, some incomprehensible power and a lot of interesting information in this beautiful place.

Werewolf bunker is worth a visiting especially for those who interested in the historical period of the Second World War, and the mystical figure of Adolf Hitler. You can get a lot of information during the tour.

Today in Vinnitsa Hitler bunker is a museum of military equipment and an exhibition of music devices during the Second World War. It helps you better understand the atmosphere of the mid-twentieth century.

Green Theatre

Where: Kyiv

Green Theatre — a huge building with underground passages and tunnels in the mountain. 

During the construction of the cemetery near was many suicide, deaths of infants. And in Soviet times, criminals often leave  here the corpses of those killed.


Biyna Mountain

Where: near Ivano-Frankivsk

Vovchynetska mountain called as "Ivano-Frankivsk Hollywood." But for a long time it is called — a Biyna mountain. This name allegedly because there was a terrible fight between Cossacks and Polish troops Potocki.


Cemetery with the Vampire

Where: Ivano-Frankivsk

This ancient cemetery is a real mecca for lovers of vampires. There are legends that there was buried vampire.


Prison at Lontskoho Street

Where: Lviv

The building at 1 Bandery street has a history spanning 124 years. For almost one hundred years this building was used as a prison by the Polish, Soviet and Nazi occupational regimes. The authorities of these occupying forces who were tasked with planning and developing methods for the elimination of political enemies were based in this building. It was simultaneously used as a jail for political prisoners, interrogations, torture, and compiling criminal case files. City residents long perceived this prison as the personification of each successive occupying government and its repressive methods

The most tragic period in prison was a period of Soviet power. Prison Walls saw much human suffering, it's hard to imagine a more horrible place.

Jewish cemetery

Where: Ivano-Frankivsk

Ivano-Frankivsk Jewish cemetery was a witnessed massive and horrific murder.

In October 1941, the Germans  brought  there a thousands of Jews. At the cemetery dug a hole depth of 5 m. People are forced to jump into the pit, and there they were shot with a gun.


Donetsk Airport

Where: Donetsk

Donetsk airport has become a terrible place during the war between the Ukrainian army and Russian-terrorist troops.

The battle for the airport lasted 242 days. 


Haunted House

Where: Ternopil

 House was built on the site of the cemetery.


Vinnytsia Psychiatric Hospital

Where: Vinnitsa

"Bugajski triangle"

Where:  Hutir  in Sumy Region

This small hamlet shrouded in mysticism. Witnesses said about stopping and accelerating time. There are people suffering hallucinations and saw visions.



Lviv City Hall

Where: Lviv

In City Hall corridors at night slowly creaking  ghost moves in a black coffin. The legend of the ghost associated with dishonest judges. They are poorly understood  the case and condemned the innocent



Dnieper Upland

Where: north-eastern part of Kirovograd region

The area for decades attracted the attention of researchers because of paranormal phenomena that are constantly occurring.


A dead city of Pripyat

Where: Kyiv region

The most horrible place in Ukraine is dead city Pripyat. Kilometres of empty streets, abandoned houses and kindergartens … It is hard to imagine anything worse.