
Kuchma: Russia interested to bring situation in Donbas to ‘frozen conflict’

12 сентября, 2015     Автор: admin
Kuchma: Russia interested to bring situation in Donbas to ‘frozen conflict’


Russia is interested to bring the situation in Donbas to a "frozen conflict," Ukrainian negotiator and second Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma said in Kyiv on Saturday.

"We will not solve the problem of Crimea and the integrity of Ukraine by the war with Russia. We must look for all diplomatic channels, all possible economic and political means in order to stop the fighting in Donbas," Kuchma said.

"The whole situation leads to a frozen conflict. No war, no peace… And it is primarily in the interests of our neighbor," he said.

According to Kuchma, when Ukraine has no control over 600 km of its border in the east, the consequences are clear.

"Ukraine has proposals to expand the "Normandy Format" in the talks on the settlement of the situation in Donbas. First of all, there is an interest to involve all countries that have signed the Budapest Memorandum — the U.S. and Britain. Moreover, it would be good to involve the People's Republic of China…"

"We must sound the alarm and not allow putting a brake on everything what is happening in Ukraine. As we can see, such a desire exists, and there are voices from those who have a direct relation to the "Normandy Four." We are concerned about it, so we hope for the best," Kuchma said.


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