
They wandered through the woods and saw the pipes. They were horrified by what was under them …

Ноябрь 11, 2015     Автор: admin
They wandered through the woods and saw the pipes. They were horrified by what was under them …

Here at the SF Globe, we love interesting stories that we don't see every day. This is one of them. 

A man was visiting his friend in northern Germany (former German Democratic Republic area). They found these strange periscope-like pipes coming out from the woods and decided to find out just where they led.

This is what they saw while in the woods:




They soon realized the pipes led to an old bunker. When they found the entrance, the area was blocked by trees and other shrubs. They used a crowbar to get their way inside. 






A view from the inside. Luckily this iron gate had a broken lock, so they knew they wouldn't be trapped inside. Already, I'm getting the chills just looking at these images.. 




They wandered through what seemed like endless hallways….Okay, I'm definitely getting a bit spooked out. 








An intersection in the path… 



A dead end… I wouldn't advise going down there. 




Another dead end…perhaps they weren't the first visitors?




More endless hallways.. Feels like a maze yet to you? 







Okay more spooky hallways. The words on the left wall translate to "Help!" The peace sign at the roof of the tunnel didn't really make things feel better. 






First heavy door…







"Exit No 2" sign













In this picture, the words say "Hello Satan, I love you." At this point, they are very annoyed by the smell of the bunker — rotten organic matter and sewage-like. You would think their journey would have ended a long time ago…













Here's the water chamber..












This is probably the largest room they found. Pictured here is some fancy old machinery.









Random pair of old gloves:




Random shoe in the mud: 




This sign on the floor says "Stay back" / "Keep clear"




Submarine hatch:







The above was the last picture they took on the trip before the camera ran out of batteries. Seems like some type of mineral formation over time…
Needless to say, this was probably one of the most terrifying adventures I've seen. Don't think I'd be exploring around old pipes if I see them…