
What lies behind the mask: terrible story of the Dana Vulin who was set on fire by woman jealous of her looks (PHOTOS)

12 ноября, 2015     Автор: admin
What lies behind the mask: terrible story of the Dana Vulin who was set on fire by woman jealous of her looks  (PHOTOS)

An Australian woman who suffered horrific burns after being soaked in methylated spirits and set on fire has revealed her new face for the first time.

Dana Vulin, 28, suffered third-degree burns covering 64 per cent of her body, after she was attacked by the estranged wife of a man she had recently met, according to local media reports.

Appearing on Channel 7’s Sunday Night programme, Vulin revealed her reconstructed face and spoke of her hope for the future following the attack two and a half years ago.

Natalie Dimitrovska, who was said to be jealous of Vulin’s beauty and desperate to reconcile with her husband, broke into the victim’s flat in Perth in the early hours on 16 February 2012 while under the influence of drugs. She had previously bombarded Vulin with abusive phone calls and threatened to “ruin her pretty little face”.
Dana Vulin reveals her new face following the horrific attack two and a half years ago
After the attack, which Vulin said turned her into a “human fireball”, Dimitrovska left her victim for dead. Neighbours raised the alarm and Vulin was rushed to Royal Perth Hospital – her mother said she was unrecognisable.

Vulin, who admitted that her former life revolved around her attractive looks, underwent 30 months of intensive surgery. She wore a protective mask, which she said  left her feeling “like a nothing and a no one”.
Dana Vulin pictured before the attack and wearing her protective mask
After removing the mask, Vulin took to the catwalk at the West Australian Ballet Centre. She said that she hoped people would see “strength, power, confidence, self-respect, courage, determination. I hope they see through the scars and see Dana.”

Vulin went on: “Actually I hope they see the scars because it's a part of me now and they see a new Dana. I am who I am and this is it.

“It's overwhelming — I'm glad I can start living my life now.”


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