
Ani Lorak openly told her opinion about the political situation (VIDEO)

Декабрь 6, 2015     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Ani Lorak openly told her opinion about the political situation (VIDEO)

Famous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak and her husband, citizen of Turkeygave a big interview in which told about their citizenship.

In an interview Lorak said that she and her husband take exactly the same citizenship, and singer will never be related to political issues. Moreover, Lorak said that a lot of common people and many celebrities are much smarter than politicians who are trying to embroil nations. Ukrainian noted that most of her friends, despite the conflict of the two countries continue to communicate, make friends and support in difficult situations.

Lorak added that she will never talk about the war or calling for military action. She stated that she's "above politics and will continue to delight fans with good music." Lorak stresses that her mission is not to sow discord. She seeks to unite people, to please them with good songs and instill in their souls hope for a peaceful solution to the conflict.