
Beautiful foreign phrases completely ruined by Google Translate (Photos)

Декабрь 6, 2015     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Beautiful foreign phrases completely ruined by Google Translate (Photos)

As great as Google is, their Translating capabilities are only really useful if you need to know a single word. They’re completely lost when it comes to proverbs and phrases, and it’s not only weird, it’s hilarious. Here are a few that Google royally screwed up.


“今 日 事, 今 日 畢” (Chinese)
What it actually means: “We all have a mental list of ‘I should haves.'”


“Dar za dar, słowa za słowa.” (Polish)

What it actually means: “You must meet roughness with roughness.”


“Жизнь прожи́ть — не по́ле перейти́.” (Russian)
What it actually means: “Living life is not like crossing a meadow.”


“Der Gesunde weiß nicht, wie reich er ist.” (German)
What it actually means: “Good health is more desirable than wealth.”


“Ο πνιγμένος, από τα μαλλιά του πιάνεται.” (Greek)
What it actually means: “A drowning man will clutch at a straw.”


“Էս ականջով լսում է, մյուսով դուրս է անում:”(Armenian)
What it actually means: “S/he hears it from this ear, and throws it out from the other.”


“Al amigo más amigo, no le fíes tu secreto, y así nunca te verás, arrepentido o sujeto.”(Spanish)
What it actually means: “If you tell your secret to your friend, you will make him your master.”


“Een slecht werksman beschuldigt altijd zijn tuig.”(Dutch)
What it actually means: “A bad craftsman blames his tools.”


“Chi da giovane ha un vizio, in vecchiaia fa sempre quell’uffizio.” (Italian)
What it actually means: “Old habits die hard.”


“継続は力なり” (Japanese)
What it actually means: “Persevere and never fear.”