
Poland considering asking for access to nuclear weapons under NATO program

6 декабря, 2015     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Poland considering asking for access to nuclear weapons under NATO program

Poland's deputy defense minister has said the ministry is considering asking for access to nuclear weapons through a NATO program in which non-nuclear states borrow the arms from the U.S., according to The Guardian.

Tomasz Szatkowski said the ministry was discussing whether to ask for access to NATO's "nuclear sharing" program to strengthen the country's ability to defend itself, The Guardian wrote.

Polish media said Szatkowski's comments on Saturday to the private broadcaster Polsat marked the first time a Polish official has indicated the country wants to join the program.

Among NATO's 28 members there are three nuclear powers – the U.S., France and Britain – but only the U.S. has provided weapons to allies for nuclear sharing.

Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey have hosted nuclear weapons as part of the program.

Ольга Хмельная


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