
Volochkova starred in the bed (photo)

22 декабря, 2015     Автор: Юлия Клюева
Volochkova starred in the bed (photo)


Ballerina shared candid photos

Dancer Anastasia Volochkova has published a new picture on the page Instagram. The picture shows a naked Volochkova posing lying in bed with a huge bouquet of white roses and plush monkey. Dancer said that morning cup of coffee is ready to exchange on a bouquet of flowers.

"Good morning .. (18.00) you coffee in bed? No. It is better — in a cup." And I rose can be anytime, anywhere, even in the crib. What a great awakening! I wish you all a joy! "- Signed photo Anastasia.
"You just put nothing," "It's disgusting," "The bed is not rich," — commented on the users.


Юлия Клюева

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