
What it’s like being a sex worker on Valentine’s Day

13 февраля, 2016     Автор: Юлия Клюева
What it’s like being a sex worker on Valentine’s Day

My heart and thoughts are with her and my family who depend on the money I make to survive

My name is Adriana and I have been working on the street as a sex worker in London for three years.

On Valentine’s Day, you are more likely to see people that you already know, which I prefer because I feel safer. Some of those regulars may turn up with a rose or some chocolates which is sweet.

Better still if I can persuade them to pay a bit extra because it's a special day.

Who I think about on Valentine’s Day is the real love of my life — my daughter back home in Hungary. My heart and thoughts are with her and my family who depend on the money I make to survive.

Who we don’t get love from is the police. They don't care if it’s Valentine’s Day or not. I've been arrested six times in the last year, which is so distressing.

I end up working in isolated areas to avoid the police and of course that is much more dangerous. Last time I got fined £250, so of course now I am working to pay off that debt.

This year on Valentine’s Day I won’t be able to work because I’ll be with the other girls in the English Collective of Prostitutes asking the public to support us against Members of Parliament who are trying to criminalise clients.

Yes, it’s a crazy idea that will make it more dangerous for us to work. We have to make them listen to sex workers and stop them in their tracks.