
New Polling Shows Trump With Increasing Leads in Upcoming States

Февраль 25, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
New Polling Shows Trump With Increasing Leads in Upcoming States


Rasmussen and Reuters released new poll numbers yesterday and it’s looking good for Trump.  For who would you vote for if the Republican primary were held today, 36% said Trump, Rubio 21% and Cruz 17%.  

This is with likely Republican voters. This does not include Independents and Democrats who are going to switch parties to vote for Trump.  Reuters polling shows in a three way race Trump gets 46% support, Cruz 25% and Rubio 24%.

A graph from NBC/Wall St. Journal polling shows from March of last year to today, Trumps favorable support has increased and his unfavorable support has decreased.  In other words, the  more voters hear about him and listen to him, the better they like him.

In a two person race, Trump would get 65% of the vote and his rival would get 35%.  That is taking into account that some of the votes from the 3rd candidate dropping out would go to Trump.

New polling from Georgia, West Virginia, Arizona and Ohio show Trump far ahead except Ohio where he has gained on Kasich and is now 5 points ahead of him.


Trump 34%
Rubio 22%
Cruz 20%
Kasich 9%
Carson 8%
Undecided 7%

West Virginia:

Trump 40%
Cruz 20%
Rubio 15%
Carson 10%
Kasich 6%

Arizona Polling:

Trump 34.8%
Rubio 22.7%
Cruz 14.1%
Kasich 7.1%
Undecided 21.3%
No data for Carson

Ohio Polling:

Trump 31%
Kasich 26%
Cruz 21%
Rubio 13%
Carson 5%

I hope that after Super Tuesday next week, most of the other candidates will drop out.  Honestly, I don’t see a single one of them beating Trump for the nomination but the establishment will keep pushing one of their own in desperate hopes of trying to pull something at the convention to get their way.  However, with the massive support Trump has, it wouldn’t be advisable.

Hat tip Conservative Treehouse



