
How Hungary Struggled With The Wave Of Suicides After World War І

Февраль 29, 2016     Автор: Юлия Клюева
How Hungary Struggled With The Wave Of Suicides After World War І

The First World War was one of the "modern" wars and had such a scale and destruction, which any other war could not boast. People who lived at that time suffered from depression.

Some people believed that  the wave of suicides was caused by popular Hungarian song in 1933 called "Gloomy Sunday". To remedy the situation, the Hungarian government has created a "club of smiles."

So they wanted to turn the "city of suicides" in the "City of Smiles".

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There was opened a school where the residents of Budapest have been taught how to properly smile1456576498-f824a4ee33beb99db8def92453ad89fa


They used a special facial tape, which helped to learn how to smile.
