
Vera Brezhnev showed his secret sister (PHOTO)

Март 1, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Vera Brezhnev showed his secret sister (PHOTO)

The singer revealed her older half-sister, she found a few years ago.

Not so long ago it became known that Vera Brezhneva not three, and four sisters. Just a few years ago, the singer found her half-sister Olga, the daughter of the actress's father from his first marriage. For the first time the fourth sister, Faith her fans saw on the show "Tonight," writes the VIVA, transmit news in the world.

"We are five sisters. Several years ago, we learned that the five of us. We have heard something from the Pope, from her grandmother, but met our fifth, the eldest sister, not so long ago, "- said Vera in the program.

Olga admitted that for a long time did not dare to call my family and did not expect that someone will be. Now, however, the sisters communicate well.

"I've always wanted to see his father, to find it, but the subject was closed. Age takes its toll looking roots. And I rang the bell. My grandmother gave the address, and I ordered negotiations. There was little hope that someone will answer. But an hour later the father called back. In this day and call girls, and Tamara Galushka. She did for all of us is the absolute foundation she supported me very much, we had a good deal, "- said Olga.

