
Researchers analyzed the vocabulary of US presidential candidates

17 марта, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Researchers analyzed the vocabulary of US presidential candidates

Experts have made a conclusion that the vocabulary of US presidential candidates corresponds to the school level.

An interesting study conducted by specialists from the Institute of language technology at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. Scientists have analyzed the campaign speeches of candidates for the US presidency and concluded that the vocabulary and grammar presented performances are indicators of high school students, according to RT.

The highest level of education was showed by Democrat Bernie Sanders, whose performances were similar in vocabulary to the speech of a tenth form pupil of the average American school. Grammatical structures of billionaire Donald Trump specialists equated to the level of seventh grade.

Marco Rubio, who was eliminated in the days of the race, was the "ninth", as well as the current US president Barack Obama.

It is also known that the leader of the Democrats, Hillary Clinton surpassed her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in the vocabulary.

The researchers also examined previous heads of state. Among them, the worst result was revealed in George HW Bush. A fifth grader could talk with him on an equal footing.

Abraham Lincoln was the leader,het is evaluated at the level of the 11th grade pupil.

The researchers also noted that they studied the written language, the spoken language of politicians is even less structured than written text.

Ольга Хмельная


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