
Depraved Islamic State claims its CAPTURED a Syrian pilot after gunning down plane

23 апреля, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Depraved Islamic State claims its CAPTURED a Syrian pilot after gunning down plane


THE barbaric Islamic State has claimed the capture of a Syrian pilot after shooting down a warplane.

ISIS affiliated news agency Amaq has claimed that war-crazed jihadis gunned down the jet south east of Syrian capital Damascus.

The news agency said: "The pilot, called Azzam Eid, from Hama was captured after he fell by parachute near the site where his plane crashed east of Damascus.”


But Russian news agency Interfax said the plane belonged to the Syrian Air Force and crashed because of a technical fault.

Quoting a Syrian military source, Interfax said: "The plane had recently undergone repairs… there was no attack from the ground. It crashed because of a technical fault. The pilot ejected.”


A grisly video shared online by Amaq shows the plane was shot down by the depraved death cult – also known as Daesh – on Friday.

The footage showed ISIS fighter around the burning plane wreckage, part of which had a Syrian flag painted on it.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said the plane crashed in the southeast Damascus countryside after flying over territory controlled by ISIS.

But the human rights group could not confirm the fate of the pilot despite the claims from the terror cell.

IS fighters have shot down several Syrian government warplanes in recent weeks, including over the Dmeir military airport near Damascus and in the southern province of Sweida.


But the pilots were able to land in regime-held zones on both occasions.

In December 2014, IS shot down a warplane from the US-led coalition striking the group in Syria and captured the Jordanian pilot alive.

The sick group then burned Maaz al-Kassasbeh alive and posted video footage of his death online.

Ольга Хмельная


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