

Ноябрь 9, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная


Against all of the odds, against the received wisdom about how this US election would pan out, against the establishment within his own party, and at times against himself, he’s done it. Donald Trump beaten Hillary Clinton to become the forty-fifth President of the United States of America.

The champion of middle America, Donald Trump threw out the political rulebook to first win his party’s nomination, and then go on to shatter Hillary Clinton’s dreams of following her husband into the White House. The glass ceiling remains firmly in place, and now it’s time for America’s flashiest builder to add a supporting southern wall.

How Russia helped Trump's victory

America and the world are in shock as the pollsters failed to poll and model this election accurately. There will be much soul-searching in America now about the country’s reluctance to elect a woman to be president. It is staggering, but undeniably true that Donald Trump could not have won this election without Russia’s help. The Cold War may be over, but Russia’s involvement in US politics has now changed the course of America’s history.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign struggled to cope with the waves of revelations in the emails leaked by hackers in an election which saw Clinton unable to shake off scandal. Somehow Trump retained a Teflon-like quality, while Clinton fought fires arising from hacks to email accounts that 17 separate intelligence agencies blame on Russia. How much did the rolling coverage of the FBI’s investigation kill off enthusiasm for Clinton among Democratic voters?

Emails revealed that the Democratic Party had worked with Clinton, perhaps too closely for many Bernie Sanders supporters. On election day Clinton’s low trust and favourability ratings meant that she didn’t get the votes needed to secure the win. Whether Trump won the contest, or Hillary lost it, Russia’s preferred candidate is now in the Oval office.

Why does Russia support Trump?

Why does Russia like Trump? Because he’s weak. Clinton may have been a flawed campaigner unable to shake off the cumulative unpopularity that comes from spending thirty years in the public eye, but this election cycle revealed Donald Trump’s astonishing capacity for gaffes and his horrifying array of personal weaknesses.

From boasting about grabbing women by the pussy to his inability to control his mouth or release his tax returns, Donald Trump is a compromised leader. Even worse, he’s a hot-headed and short-sighted one.

After one too many crazy 3am twitter storms his aides had to take control of his twitter account from him, which doesn’t bode well for a man who now has control of America’s nuclear arsenal. Vladimir Putin could outwit Donald Trump in his sleep, which is why the Russians worked so hard to help get him elected.