
Ужасный теракт произошел в центре Брюселя

Июнь 21, 2017     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Ужасный теракт произошел в центре Брюселя

epa06039849 An armed soldier stands guard as police activies goes on outside of the Brussels Central Station after a neutralized terrorist attack attempt, in Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2017. According to Belgian media, police shot a suspect wearing an explosive belt at the Brussels Central Station. Belgian police also confirmed there was a small explosion in the Brussels Central Station, but said there are not much damage done and situation is under control. The cause of the explosion is unknown.  EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQ

epa06039849 An armed soldier stands guard as police activies goes on outside of the Brussels Central Station after a neutralized terrorist attack attempt, in Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2017. According to Belgian media, police shot a suspect wearing an explosive belt at the Brussels Central Station. Belgian police also confirmed there was a small explosion in the Brussels Central Station, but said there are not much damage done and situation is under control. The cause of the explosion is unknown. EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQ

В центре Брюсселя произошел теракт. 

По словам полицейских, на Центральном вокзале города произошел взрыв. Они назвали произошедшее терактом.

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Часть исторического центра возле вокзала перекрыта полицией.

На месте работают также пожарная служба.

По данным кризисного центра Брюсселя, бельгийские военные, которые дежурят на улицах в центре города, нейтрализовали преступника.

"Ситуация под контролем" — сообщается в Twitter кризисного центра.

Теракт вызвал панику на площади возле Брюссельской ратуши.

После звука хлопка около 500 человек бросились бежать с площади на прилегающие улицы.

По данным пресс-службы пожарной службы Брюсселя, взрыв был малой мощности, жертв нет. Взрыв произошел около 22:00 по киевскому времени. Над городом кружат вертолеты. 
22 марта в аэропорту и на станциях метро Брюсселя прогремели взрывы. В результате терактов, по последним данным бельгийской прокуратуры, погибли 32 человека, около 150 были ранены.


epa06039847 An armed soldier stands guard as police activies goes on outside of the Brussels Central Station after a neutralized terrorist attack attempt, in Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2017. According to Belgian media, police shot a suspect wearing an explosive belt at the Brussels Central Station. Belgian police also confirmed there was a small explosion in the Brussels Central Station, but said there are not much damage done and situation is under control. The cause of the explosion is unknown.  EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQ

888cdaf6e47cea206c486f2ac8a9c9f4 4495dd3770da6189af6f6164b3200304 b7ca439027f7745f0ef09cc1586e8d96 [caption id="attachment_109401" align="aligncenter" width="800"]epa06039850 Police and emergency team vehicle are parked outside of the Brussels Central Station after a neutralized terrorist attack attempt, in Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2017. According to Belgian media, police shot a suspect wearing an explosive belt at the Brussels Central Station. Belgian police also confirmed there was a small explosion in the Brussels Central Station, but said there are not much damage done and situation is under control. The cause of the explosion is unknown.  EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQepa06039850 Police and emergency team vehicle are parked outside of the Brussels Central Station after a neutralized terrorist attack attempt, in Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2017. According to Belgian media, police shot a suspect wearing an explosive belt at the Brussels Central Station. Belgian police also confirmed there was a small explosion in the Brussels Central Station, but said there are not much damage done and situation is under control. The cause of the explosion is unknown. EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQ