
«Ожидание и реальность»: как известная модель поражает подписчиков в Инстаграм

Ноябрь 4, 2017     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
«Ожидание и реальность»: как известная модель поражает подписчиков в Инстаграм

Каждый мечтает иметь идеальные фото в Instagram. И, наверное, каждый хочет выглядеть на фото лучше, чем в реальной жизни. Здесь на помощь приходит правильно подобранная поза, свет и одежда.

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Турецкая фитнес-модель Имре Чечен ведет очень красивый Instagram. Ее спортивная фигура – это одна сплошная мотивация. Однако девушка готова развенчать миф о своей идеальности. В своем аккаунте она поделилась серией фотографий "ожидание и реальность", которые дают повод усомниться в безупречности красавиц из Instagram.

Оказывается, все дело в правильной позе и освещении. Выгодный ракурс способен магическим образом преобразовать любого человека. Имре утверждает, что практически каждая девушка с тысячами фолловеров пользуется различными трюками, чтобы поддерживать свою популярность. В ход идут также всевозможные фильтры и графические редакторы.

Чечен призывает девушек не сходить с ума и жить своей жизнью. Ведь популярность в социальных сетях не может принести человеку столько счастья, как поцелуй любимого человека или улыбка вашего ребенка.


My first thought on this pic was "DELETE IT!"? Can I be honest with you guys? My body has changed a lot in the past months and it has been real hard on me? . Not because I look "bad" or "ugly"?? Due to my illness I was forced upon bedrest for months and there was not much I could do. This has made me feel so powerless. I had to watch how all that muscle & strength I worked for faded away ?? . Wait a second?? This is MY BODY! I was 11 when I got sick and through the years I've had literally hundreds of hospital visits? My body had to endure countless examinations and try outs of medication? Never ever did my body give up on me?? . My body isn't my enemy?? It's my closest friend and every single day we still fight that battle for my health?? The past 6 months have been so though yet it made me realise more than ever that my body isn't here to look "perfect". My body is here to keep me alive, to fight off all illnesses? . Sadly my body doesn't work the way it should (yet!). How about your body? I receive so many messages from girls and women going on about their looks, cellulite, about not feeling like going to the gym etc. And yes I know these are real issues and should be taken seriously. Just take 1 minute to think about this; if your body is functioning the way it should be you're hella lucky!? . Stop taking your body & health for granted! Your body isn't just a thing to impress others?? Your body is here so you can live your life. Your body is your friend!? . When I look at this picture I see a woman who's fighting! Fighting for both herself & her body. My body tells a story and so does yours. Maybe you've gained some weight on holiday. So what? You had fun right? Maybe you've gone through a difficult period, get back up and go get it!?? . Don't let life take over?? Make sure that you are the one who's in control! You are beautiful no matter what! As soon as you see it yourself you'll shine brighter than ever before! ✨ . In a few hours I'll be walking a show in underwear. My body has weakened, my body looks different. Guess what? I'm still proud! (Also terrified?) I'm gonna go get it! Now it's your turn!??? #imreswarriors

Публикация от Imre Çeçen (@imrececen)