
Girl Ignores Guy Until She Sees His Lamborghini (VIDEO)

10 июля, 2015     Автор: admin
Girl Ignores Guy Until She Sees His Lamborghini (VIDEO)


Vitaly Zdorovetskiy "Gold Digger Prank"  might easily be the most viral YouTube video of the day as in it we see a gold digger getting pranked by Vitaly Zdorovetskiy, Roman Atwood, and Dennis Roady.

The "Gold Digger Prank" video shows one unfortunate girl getting burned after revealing her true colors — solid gold. Digger, that is.

In the video we see the YouTube video prankster standing at the top of a set of stairs as a pretty girl comes up the walkway. As she approaches him to pass, he calls out,

"What's up, cutie? What's going on."

The girl continues walking somewhat apprehensively as the unknown prankster continues to speak with her, hoping to solicit a date while issuing the following cheesy pick-up line.


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