
Hundreds of migrants storm Channel Tunnel, one man killed

29 июля, 2015     Автор: admin
Hundreds of migrants storm Channel Tunnel, one man killed


A man has been killed, when at least 1,500 migrants tried to enter the Channel Tunnel in Calais on Wednesday night, according to the BBC.

Eurotunnel says freight services are disrupted while migrants are still at the Channel Tunnel site at Coquelles.

Sections of the M20 in Kent are closed in both directions to allow extra lorry parking as part of Operation Stack, the report says.

It comes as David Cameron pledged that the UK government would do everything it could to combat the crisis.The man who died is described as Sudanese, aged between 25 and 30.

He was probably crushed by a truck which was exiting one of the shuttles that transport vehicles through the tunnel, French police have said.

He is the ninth person to die trying to access the tunnel since June.

It says migrant incursions are now "an almost nightly occurrence". In addition to Tuesday night's incident, some 2,000 migrants had tried to get into the terminal on Monday night.

This week's incursions have caused serious delays to Eurotunnel train services — with passengers held up for about an hour on the British side and 30 minutes on the French side on Tuesday, French news agency AFP reported.


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