
Ukraine Top-8 anti-sex symbols (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

31 июля, 2015     Автор: admin
Ukraine Top-8 anti-sex symbols (PHOTOS, VIDEO)


We offer a small review rating antyseks Ukrainian characters.

1. Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak was a pretty girl with a beautiful voice in her early career. Then art lovers said, well, Lorak is clearly not enough stylist and image maker.

But pro-Russian stance of the singer and her frequent visits to the state-aggressor Ukrainian attitude quickly changed. Lorak started to hate .

A recent change to hate irony. First, the singer managed to laugh compatriots rather eccentric the way in Russian award ceremony Muz-TV 2015.

Soon a new image was added the news that Lorak Ukraine decided to sing on Russian poultry. At least at the factory in Novosibirsk Lorak has shined. Users instantly forgotten moralistic word "traitor" and she became known as a singer more impressive — the "Russian broiler".


2. Oleg Lyashko

About sex and Lyashko in Ukraine was not joking just lazy. After distributing a video in which the MP admits to gay, Lyashko and failed to convince everyone in their own "naturalness". 

After all, the laws of classical psychology, someone who snarls never get tired to laugh. Of course, if Lyashko himself moved to the jokes, then all the others would quickly stopped to laugh. 

In contrast to the image of gay, which is not recognized, he added the image of the brave fighter truck, which finally translated into the category of parliamentary deputy who likes to freaks out and who deprived of sexuality

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3. Igor Mosiychuk

People's Deputy of the "Radical Party Oleg Lyashko" seems swung to the "laurels" Russian clown of Vitaly Milonova. After the victory of Maidan Mosiychuk began to push anti-democratic law banning the promotion of homosexuality and abortion.

Part of society protested, and some started to laugh. 

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4. Irina Farion

Farion so inadequately called for all Ukrainian, that some have already begun to suspect that she is working at Putin. And of course, ill-considered and inappropriate anger can not be sexual.

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5. Sergei Pastuh

For lack of creativity Ukrainian "singer" in the search decided to take the image of Ukrainian and foreign stars and steal the image of Sergei Zverev. 

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6. Snezhana Egorova

Earlier presenter enjoyed a reputation somewhat eccentric lady with five children. Moreover, representatives of the media have long known that children in particular fad Egorova — to any question she advises journalists to begin to give birth.

But not so long ago, when Yegorova went out from Antin Mukharskyi, supporters learned of the nature of the woman lot. Yes, couples divorce was the central theme for secular chroniclers. As it turned out, Yegorova ready to resort to any madness.

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7. Zhanna Usenko-Сhorna

Deputy Chairman of the CEC stupid not yet committed, instead, became an instant star of the Internet thanks to the original appearance. About black eyebrows dyed blonde decided to write even the most serious media. And most critics image did not like.

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8. Tatyana Montyan

Scandalous woman who loves to go to visit terrorists in Donbass 

Tatiana Montyan not shrink from scandals and strong word.

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