News of war

3 UAE soldiers die in Saudi-led coalition push on Yemen’s provincial capital

9 августа, 2015     Автор: admin
3 UAE soldiers die in Saudi-led coalition push on Yemen’s provincial capital


The Saudi-led coalition ground force fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen has captured the capital of Abyan province, after launching preliminary airstrikes and a series of coordinated attacks on strategic locations still held by the rebels.

Empowered by Saudi-supplied tanks and armored vehicles, the forces supporting the exiled President Hadi have recaptured Zinjibar, the Houthi-held capital of Abyan province. The latest success has come due to an ongoing air bombardment campaign by the coalition air force, as well as fresh heavy weapons supplies to the anti-Houthi forces over the past weeks.

A ground force of several thousand troops, reinforced by tanks and armored personnel carriers started their latest advance on Monday, as the coalition airstrikes cleared their path. The force predominantly comprised Saudi-trained Yemeni fighters, as well as Saudi special operations and intelligence personnel supported by personnel and equipment from the United Arab Emirates.

While entering Zinjibar, three soldiers from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were killed by landmines planted by the Houthis, as rebel forces retreated from the city, UAE state news agency WAM said on Saturday. That brings the total death toll of UAE soldiers fighting in Yemen to five, as at least two other Emirati soldiers lost their lives since the offensive began.

Zinjibar became the fourth provincial capital to fall since the Saudi coalition captured Aden last month. Houthis also lost control of the strategic port of Mocha. Earlier this week the pro-Hadi forces seized a major Labouza military base, the last one being held by the Houthis in the south of the country.

Pro-Hadi forces are also advancing into Taizz, where Houthi militants began concentrating their forces after losing control of the Al Anad air base. The pro-Hadi forces armed to the teeth have the capital Sanaa and Saada, the Houthis’ home region, lined-up next.

As the battle on the ground continues, the chief of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) arrived to Sanaa on Saturday on a three-day visit to assess the “dire humanitarian situation” in the country. The organization says that 1.3 million Yemenis have been displaced by the conflict.

Overall the UN estimates that at least 4,000 people have been killed since the Saudi-led coalition began its airstrikes in late March. Currently the UN says some 80 per cent of Yemen’s 21 million people are in need of aid and protection.


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