
Pluto can regain the status of a planet

22 октября, 2015     Автор: admin
Pluto can regain the status of a planet


NASA scientists have published the first scientific data on the results of a study of the dwarf planet Pluto mission with the help of New Horizons.

One of the discoveries was the thin atmosphere, which manifests itself by scattering sunlight on tiny particles Tolya, organic matter suspended in it, reports Gazeta.ru, citing an article in the journal Science.

Scientists suggest that, despite the size and distance from the Sun, Pluto can be active and to be volcanic activity. This is indicated by the appearance of the Plains of Sputnik (Sputnik Planum) — icy plains hundreds of kilometers wide, which is devoid of craters. This means that some processes are updated material on the surface of the formed craters. An interesting puzzle is a different part of the left and right sides of the so-called heart — red formation on the surface of Pluto.

Pluto was removed from the list of planets in 2006, when it became clear that the Kuiper Belt have other similar objects, such as the dwarf planet Eris. New measurements of the size of Pluto have shown that in fact it may be more than Eris, it can be an occasion to return to it the status of a planet.

"In terms of planetary science and as an expert in this area, I say planetary scientists see it as a planet," — said the head of the mission, Alan Stern. Earlier, a group of scientists started collecting signatures for the return of Pluto from planet status.
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