
All public procurements transferred to ProZorro e-system

25 декабря, 2015     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
All public procurements transferred to ProZorro e-system

The Verkhovna Rada has passed a bill obliging ministries and large-scale state companies to handle all their state procurements via the newly created ProZorro e-system as of April 1, 2016, whereas other state companies and state agencies will be transferred to the system as of August 1, 2016.

Respective bill No. 3559 on public procurements offered for voting as a basis and as a whole document (unlike voting article by article) was supported by 244 lawmakers with the minimum required number of votes being 226.

Introducing the bill prior to the voting, Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Trade Maxym Nefyodov said that the adoption of the bill would save at least UAH 30 billion per year.

Head of the parliament's committee on economic policy Andriy Ivanchuk announced that all amendments and changes needed for the full-fledged work of the system would be tabled in parliament by April 1, 2016, as a separate bill.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine's Economic Development and Trade Ministry called on the Ukrainian parliament to pass the bill under which all public procurement s should be carried out through the ProZorro electronic procurement system.

ProZorro was launched in February 2015 as a pilot project, and now it accounts for a little more than 2% of all public procurements in the country. At the moment, more than 2,200 state-owned companies have already registered in the system. About 37,000 tenders have already been held with the use of the system. The total sum of registered tenders is about UAH 7 billion. Almost two-thirds of them have been completed. Estimated savings as of to date are 12% of the sum of the held tenders, or more than UAH 500 million.

Ольга Хмельная


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