
This mother let her son choose what she wore for a week

15 января, 2016     Автор: Юлия Клюева
This mother let her son choose what she wore for a week

It’s generally accepted that small children have their clothes chosen for them every day by their parents. But what if we occassionally turn this rule on its head?

One mother decided to carry out just such an experiment, and the results turned out to be quite amusing.
Despite looking after her two small and very playful sons, Summer always manages to look beautiful and stylish.


Once, Summer had the idea that it would be fun to let one of her kids, three-year-old Rockwell, choose what she wore. For a week, Rockwell became his mother’s personal stylist.


The young boy took the task assigned to him very seriously, carefully choosing eacha one of his mother’s outfits. Here are some of of them.


’Rockwell selected a grey skirt, a Bob Dylan t-shirt and black tights. “This is a great choice, Rock,“ I told him. ”I think I’ll wear it again in future.“ But then he looked at my feet and offered me some shoes. “Are you sure want to take this pair of shoes?” I asked. ”Yes“, he said without thinking — ”and a blue hoody.“’

Summer greatly enjoyed watching how her son picked her clothes. ’He grabbed the first thing he saw, but then thought very carefully about what would go well with it. For instance, he said that “if you wear a dress with flowers, then your socks should also have flowers on them.” I loved watching how his mind worked.’


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Юлия Клюева

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