
BREAKING=> DONALD TRUMP Breaks Elton John’s Record at Louisiana Arena – 12,000 at Rally!

13 февраля, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
BREAKING=> DONALD TRUMP Breaks Elton John’s Record at Louisiana Arena – 12,000 at Rally!


REPUBLICAN DONALD TRUMP spoke to 12,000 supporters Thursday night at the River Center in Baton Rouge.

Donald Trump broke the attendance record set by Elton John by 4,000 people.
trump baton rouge

** The rally was delayed by 30 minutes so that supporters – wrapped around the arena – could make it inside.


Trump even took time to sign a baby.

John Binder at The Hayride reported:

Tonight, GOP front-runner Donald Trump took his anti-establishment message to a room of roughly 12,000 supporters (with 3,000 supporters outside) in Baton Rouge, La. making it the largest event ever at the state capital’s River Center.

The Hayride‘s Kevin Boyd attended the event and said that compared to Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) event last month in Baton Rouge, Trump’s event had more women and young people attending. The Trump rally was so well-attended, it surpassed Elton John’s 8,000 crowd record at the Baton Rouge River Center.

The event was so packed, that it was delayed by more than 30 minutes so that supporters (who were wrapped around the venue) could make it inside to see Trump.

Here’s Trump’s entire Baton Rouge rally (Trump appears at about an one hour in) and all the photos from maybe one of the biggest political rallies in Southern history:

Here’s the live feed from the rally on Thursday.

Ольга Хмельная


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