How did you cope with the role of Fatmagyul?
— The role of Fatmagyul was quite difficult for me. Since Fatmagyul is a girl from the village, I, in order to better prepared for the role, had to meet the girls who live in the villages, I tried to understand their world, to observe how they live and how they behave. Many of my fellow-actors, are playing in the series, then got married, create a family, had children …
What do you think of the intrigues with colleagues?
— I'm not saying that you can not fall in love with your partner. We work 20 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week together, of course, it contributes to this a lot. Therefore affairs with colleagues — it is permissible and possible, but not in my case. I had never had an affair with my colleagues on films or TV series. Although the press often wrote the opposite.