
Red wine hot chocolate is a thing now

21 октября, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
Red wine hot chocolate is a thing now


The nights are drawing in, the leaves are turning golden, you’ve had your first seasonal argument about whether or not to put the heating on. You get it. It’s autumn. And you know what’s going to make your autumn as yet undiscovered levels of great? Red wine hot chocolate.

Hot chocolate is great. Wine is even better. Who knew that the combination could be such a game changer?

The brains behind the operation is food blogger Kylie who runs She has discovered a way to combine red wine with hot chocolate to create what’s basically the richest, most indulgent hot chocolate you’ve ever had. Not all heroes

The dreamy combination involves melting dark chocolate and combining it with red wine and milk. You can find out more at ImmaEatThis. Be warned, according to Kylie this stuff is pretty overwhelming, so it’s worth starting with a small glass.