Some tickets for the World Cup final in Moscow in 2018 will cost more than $1,000 (£775) for the first time, governing body Fifa has revealed. The most expensive ticket for the 2018 final will be $1,100, up from $990 for the 2014 final in Rio de Janeiro. The other tickets will cost $455 and $710. However, Russian...
По большому счету нас как личности формируют вовсе не положительные обстоятельства, а наоборот — трудности и преграды на пути. Благодаря им мы извлекаем уроки из жизни и...
Телеведущий продемонстрировал свои чувства к Виктории Лопыревой. Несколько дней назад в микроблоге известной модели появилась интригующая фотография. В кадре она...
О женском теле можно сказать много прекрасного, но эти 10 фактов о самой интимной его части не просто настораживают, а даже немного…...
Скандальная актриса извинилась за то, что не сделала фото без трусов и призналась в том, что не знает, кто отец ее ребенка. Актриса Настасья Самбурская шокировала поклонников...
MAJOR economies around the world are queueing up to make trade deals with Britain following the vote to leave the European Union (EU) Australia, Canada, South Korea, India and Mexico are all understood to be keen to get around the negotiating table as soon as possible and American politicians are also eager to strike a deal. US...
More than 180 people have been killed in flooding along the Yangtze River in China following torrential rain, officials say. Between 10cm and 50cm of rain has fallen in seven provinces, and storms stretching 1,600km (1,000 miles) are sweeping across central and southern China. At least 45 people are missing and 33 million are...
A US man has pleaded guilty to running a phishing campaign to steal private pictures and videos from film and TV stars. Edward Majerczyk, of Chicago, was arrested after police investigated the 2014 "celebgate" affair. Nudes of more than 100 celebrities, including Rihanna and Jennifer Lawrence, were leaked in that...
The number of people killed in Sunday's suicide bomb attack in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has risen to 165, interior ministry officials say. The government has declared three days of mourning after the huge blast, which injured 225 others. A lorry packed with explosives was detonated in the Karrada district while families...
У многих из нас есть ямочки на щечках, которые обращают на себя внимание. Если человек внимательный, он обязательно обратит внимание на то, что форма у ямках на щечках бывает...
GEORGE OSBORNE is preparing to put his best foot forward after the Brexit vote by ensuring the world is ready to trade with Brexit Britain — despite some calls for a second referendum. George Osborne has revealed his intention to cosy up to economic giants China in the coming months to ensure the two countries remain on...
BORIS Johnson has condemned the Government for failing to highlight the positives of Britain leaving the EU and allowing the country to descend into “hysteria” after the referendum result. The former mayor of London slammed the Tory leadership for not showing the “bright future” that awaits Britain away...