
Nemtsov helped in preparation of US sanctions against Putin’s allies

24 марта, 2015     Автор: admin
Nemtsov helped in preparation of US sanctions against Putin’s allies



Nemtsov might have been killed for his cooperation with the US in preparation of the sanctions list against Russia.

German newspaper has announced about a new version of Boris Nemtsov's murder.

Allegedly, the former politician might have been killed for his cooperation with the US authorities, writes Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung on Sunday, March 22, citing a source in the security services. This is reported by Coruption.info.

According to the newspaper, Nemtsov shared information with the United States, which helped the country to prepare a sanctions list against leading Russian politicians and businessmen guilty in the annexation of the Crimea in March 2014.

Russian oppositioner, Vladimir Milov believes this version of Nemtsov's assassination is the most plausible. According to him, Putin and his entourage did not expect that sanctions would so badly hit the Russian financial sector.

"They have considered Nemtsov personally guilty in the sanctions," – cites Deutsche Welle Milov's words.

In addition, Nemtsov contributed to the creation of the so-called "Magnitsky list", adopted in 2012. According to FAS, the politician met with US Senators John McCain and Ron Johnson and gave them the names of 13 individuals for their inclusion in the expanded list. Nemtsov's activities were funded by the US billionaire George Soros.

Earlier, media reported that the murder of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov at the walls of the Kremlin might have been an external manifestation of the conflict between different camps among Russian authorities.


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