
18-year-old daughter of Joseph Prigogine shocked everybody! Her weigh is more than 100 kg (PHOTO)

Февраль 22, 2016     Автор: Ольга Хмельная
18-year-old daughter of Joseph Prigogine shocked everybody! Her weigh is  more than 100 kg (PHOTO)


18-year-old daughter of Joseph Prigogine — Danae did not seem averse to build a serious career in modeling. At first she tried her hand as a model for the gloss, and now intends to take part in a special beauty contest. As pointed out by the girl: to become a popular model — her dream.

Young Prigogine (at  age 18,  her weighs 120 kilograms) has filed an application to participate in a beauty contest "Miss Russia", which is held with the expressive forms among girls.

It is known that in the contest participants will defile in bathing suits, presentation of evening dresses, as well as the presentation of the creative room. It is known that now Danae writes a song specially for the competition.



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